Prevention is always cheaper than treatment, and this is the case in all areas. In medicine, prevention and vaccination are far cheaper than contracting and treating the disease. In the past, safety plans based on a philosophy of accident investigation and incident control meant that the safety engineer acted after an accident and attempted to identify the causes of the accident by conducting the necessary investigations and draw conclusions. Use a base to prevent similar accidents; in this way, safety had to occur before safety engineering could be put in place, which would cost the system a great deal.With the development of highly sophisticated and sophisticated systems, the idea was made that accidents could no longer be allowed to assess the safety of systems. As a result of these efforts, today's system security is based on a well-planned, orderly, organized, and pre-event process based on the analysis-control method. In today's philosophy of system safety, the emphasis is on the acceptable level of safety in the design phase and before the actual production or operation of the product or system and the assessment of the system risks prior to damage.
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